Sensory and consumer science allows to connect food scientists and food technologists with consumers. It is central to the development of product solutions to today’s major food-related challenges because developing healthy and sustainable food systems is only possible if consumers accept new or reformulated food products.
Sensory and consumer science is a multidisciplinary field that forms a nexus between food science, nutrition and social sciences. The Delarue lab collaborates with food scientists, psychologists, sociologists, and economists to study how human beings interact with their food. Our research is articulated around three axes:
Sensory methodology
Being able to reliably measure sensory perceptions, resulting liking, behaviors and emotions is always the starting point. We thus aim to develop and consolidate sensory methods for:
- Agile and rapid sensory description;
- Capturing human diversity and subjectivity;
- High validity and predictive hedonic tests.

Sensory design
Develop consumer-centric approaches and guidelines on best sensory strategies for food design (food reformulation, new product development) and for research in food science.

Sensory determinants of food preferences
Acquire knowledge about the sensory determinants of food preferences and identify successful pathways for food reformulation.