Position Title
Associate Professor
Sensory & Consumer Scientist
Julien Delarue is an Associate Professor and a Sensory & Consumer scientist at UC Davis. His research focuses on methods to measure consumer sensory perception and preferences and on their effective use in food design. He also explores the role of context in hedonic measures using immersive environments and digital technologies. Using these methods, he seeks to understand the sensory determinants of food preferences and to finds levers to drive healthy and sustainable food behaviors.
Formerly a Professor at AgroParisTech in the food science and technology joint research unit with INRAE and Université Paris-Saclay, he has served as the Chair of the French Society for Sensory Analysis (SFAS) and of the European Sensory Science Society (E3S).
Selected Publications
Galiñanes Plaza, A, Saulais, L, Delarue, J. (2022). Hedonic response sensitivity to variations in the evaluation task and culinary preparation in a natural consumption context. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9:1008577. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.1008577.
Liechti, C.; Delarue, J.; Souchon, I.; Bosc, V.; Saint-Eve, A. (2022). “How to select a representative product set from market inventory? A multicriteria approach as a base for future reformulation of cookies”. Frontiers in Nutrition, doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.749596.
Cosson, A.; Delarue, J.; Mabille, A.C.; Druon, A.; Descamps, N.; Roturier, J.M.; Souchon, I.; Saint-Eve, A. (2020). Block protocol for conventional profiling to sensory characterize plant protein isolates, Food Quality and Preference, 83., 103927.
Palczak, J.; Blumenthal, D.; Delarue, J. (2019). From consumption behaviour to sensory measurement: sensory characterization of perceived flavour complexity of a chocolate dessert experience. Food Quality and Preference, 78, 103734.
Delarue, J.; Brasset, A.-C.; Jarrot, F.; Abiven, F. (2019). Taking control of product testing context thanks to a multi-sensory immersive room. A case study on alcohol-free beer. Food Quality and Preference, 75, 78-86. doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2019.02.012
Saint-Eve, A.; Granda, P.; Legay, G.; Cuvelier, G.; Delarue, J. (2019). Consumer acceptance and sensory drivers of liking for high plant protein snacks. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99, 3983-3991 doi: 10.1002/jsfa.9624
Palczak, J.; Blumenthal, D.; Rogeaux, M.; Delarue, J. (2019). Sensory complexity and its influence on consumers' preferences: a systematic review of applications in food and beverages. Food Quality and Preference, 71, 66-75.
Le Goff, G.; Delarue, J. (2017). Non-verbal evaluation of acceptance of insect-based products using a simple and holistic analysis of facial expressions. Food Quality and Preference, 56, 285-293.
Saint-Eve, A.; Leclercq, H.; Berthelo, S.; Saulnier, B.; Oettgen, W.; Delarue, J. (2016). How much sugar do consumers add to plain yogurts? Insights from a study examining French consumer behavior and self-reported habits. Appetite, 99, 277-283.
Masson, M.; Delarue, J.; Bouillot, S.; Sieffermann, J.M.; Blumenthal, D. (2016). Beyond sensory characteristics. How to identify consumers’ perceptions? Comparison of six qualitative methods on a case study on coffee cups. Food Quality and Preference, 47, 156-165.
Delarue, J.; Blumenthal, D. (2015). Temporal aspects of consumer preferences. Current Opinion in Food Science, 3, 41-46.
Boutrolle, I; Delarue, J; Arranz, D; Rogeaux, M.; Köster, E. P. (2007). Central location test vs. Home use test: contrasting results depending on product type. Food Quality and Preference, 18, 490-499.
Delarue, J.; Sieffermann, J.-M. (2004). Sensory mapping using Flash profile. Comparison with a conventional descriptive method for the evaluation of the flavour of fruit dairy products. Food Quality and Preference, 15, 383-392.